[Paraview] Re: [vtkusers] Re: MangledMesa & VTK

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Wed Jan 3 10:49:06 EST 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 08:16 -0600, Randall Hand wrote:
> I think that's part of the point here, you can do this without
> Mangling, just using standard OSMesa.  Am I Wrong?

I think it matters to some. Mesa libGL built from mesa-6.4.2 can not be
built with hardware acceleration and produce a libosmesa. The Fedora
Core 5 mesa.spec really whines about this, but libosmesa seems to be
back in FC6 which uses mesa-6.5.1. 
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