[Paraview] PV2.6 vtkProcessModule SetInput error

Jean Favre jfavre at cscs.ch
Wed Jan 3 05:36:09 EST 2007

Simone Crippa wrote:
> Hi,
> I have checked out PV2.6 from cvs to check if the OpenGLPainter error
> I described in my posting "2.4 CVS / vtkOpenGLPainterDeviceAdapter
> error" was fixed (according to a bug fix filed against the relevant
> source files, BUG# 3454).
> Now on the other hand I am not able to use the module
> vtkCellDerivatives added via pvsm/xml!
> I receive an error message very similar to what John Biddiscombe
> described in his posting "another error message using custom reader",
> I get:
> # Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file:
> /home/crippa/tmp/ParaView/Servers/Common/vtkProcessModule.cxx (966)
>  vtkProcessModule (0x535b90): Object type: vtkCellDerivatives, could
> not find requested method: "SetInput"
> or the method was called with incorrect arguments.
> while processing
> Message 0 = Invoke
>   Argument 0 = id_value {640}
>   Argument 1 = string_value {SetInput}
>   Argument 2 = id_value {498}
> ErrorMessage end

try replacing 'SetInput" by "SetInputConnection"

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