[Paraview] RE: MangledMesa & VTK

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Tue Jan 2 00:10:11 EST 2007

I'm pretty sure the current use of this feature at Sandia is zero.  All of our distributions of ParaView use either a hardware driver or straight Mesa, not both.  As several other members of these lists have just testified, it's much easier.
Concerning the maintenance overhead of maintaining the mangled Mesa stuff, I would rather have someone from Kitware speak to that since they are really the ones doing that.  I recall Berk grumbling about it in the past.  Perhaps he can elaborate.
I also cannot speak for any other organizations that may be using VTK/ParaView.  If any of you out there use the vtkMesa* classes or otherwise compile with the mangled Mesa features, now would be a really good time to chime in.


From: paraview-bounces+kmorel=sandia.gov at paraview.org on behalf of James P. Ahrens
Sent: Sat 12/30/2006 4:35 PM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Cc: ahrens at lanl.gov
Subject: [Paraview] Re: ParaView Digest, Vol 32, Issue 23

> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 09:05:35 -0600
> From: "Randall Hand" <randall.hand at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] RE: [vtkusers] MangledMesa & VTK
> To: "Sean Ziegeler" <seanzig at users.sourceforge.net>
> Cc: paraview-developers at public.kitware.com, VTK Users
>       <vtkusers at vtk.org>,     paraview at paraview.org
> Message-ID:
>       <b02264720612290705h54bc20a6yf45d6b335f1f644e at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> >
> So maybe mangling isn't really necessary anymore, except for those times
> where you need to switch between Hardware OpengL & Mesa on the fly..
> Anyone
> actually doing that tho?

The original purpose of the mangled mesa extension was a heterogeneous
configuration with hardware acceleration and OS rendering at the same
time. It was a long time ago, so I've forgotten the exact configuration. I
know SGI pipes were part of the mix. This was in the parallel VTK days;
ParaView did not exist, therefore no client/server architecture etc...

One application is rendering extremely large offscreen imagery using
mangled Mesa (limited by memory)  and hardware accelerated rendering
smaller imagery for onscreen interactive use. This requires both libraries
in the same executable.

Brian, what is the maintainence issue? What is the current cost etc.?


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