[Paraview] InitializeTcl failed/no $DISPLAY environment variable errors (paraview on intel mac)

Paul Adams paul.adams.jr at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 15:12:56 EST 2007

Is this the problem that you are seeing when t**rying to run ParaView?

*     $ paraview
**     ** ParaView error: InitializeTcl failed
**     ** Tcl_Init error: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following
**     **     /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4 /u/lib/tcl8.4 /lib/tcl8.4 /u/library
/library /tcl8.4.5/library /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4*

If so, then the *TCL_LIBRARY* environment variable needs to be set.

*     $ export TCL_LIBRARY=/path_to_tcl_library/tcl8.4/

*Paul Adams

On 2/28/07, Jared Hawkins <Jared.Hawkins at tufts.edu> wrote:
>  hey again,
> so, to follow up on my previous email, i have also tried to build paraview
> directly from the source code (following the wiki's instructions and making
> the necessary adjustments to ccmake options such as adding
> WI,-search_paths_first to the listed linkers)
> the make of the program appears to work fine
> afterwards, i try to run ./paraview (from the /bin directory) and i get
> the same error messages as when i was trying to run the pre-compiled
> binaries:
>     ParaView error: InitializeTcl failed
>     TK_Init error: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
> very frustrating.....i could use some help!!
> -jared
>    Subject:
> [Paraview] InitializeTcl failed/no $DISPLAY environment variable errors
> (paraview on intel mac)  From:
> Jared Hawkins <Jared.Hawkins at tufts.edu> <Jared.Hawkins at tufts.edu>  Date:
> Tue, 27 Feb 2007 21:26:15 -0500  To:
> paraview at paraview.org    To:
> paraview at paraview.org
> to all,
> hi.  im trying to run ParaView 2.6 on an intel mac pro running 10.4.  im
> VERY new to a unix environment, so please bear with me.
> after downloading the paraview 2.6 intel precompiled binaries, i attempt
> to launch paraview from the console (using ./paraview in the /bin
> directory).
> i immediately get this message:
>    ParaView error: InitializeTcl failed
>    TK_Init error: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
> i have tried running paraview on a powerpc g4 and i got the exact same
> error message, so im pretty sure its something really stupid that im messing
> up.
> any suggestions???
> thanks,
> jared
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