[Paraview] Bug in Paraview 2.6 VS2003 Generation

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at imts.us
Thu Feb 8 18:47:52 EST 2007

I think there is a bug in the PV 2.6 CmakeLists. Let me explain. I am using VS 2003 .Net and the project file (.sln) generated for PV 2.6 does not complete when you build the "install" project. Nothing is ever copied into the install location.
   just for a sanity check, I rebuilt PV 2.4.4 from a clean source tree with a from scratch VS2003 solution file generated from CMakeSetup. I then built the "install" target and this completed successfully by copying all the installation files into the designated installation location (C:\Program Files\ParaView).
 has anyone else seen this and/or could some one verify this? Or is this already known and fixed in CVS?
Thanks for any Help
mike jackson

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