[Paraview] Crosshair

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Thu Feb 8 17:13:51 EST 2007

Gregory, David C CIV NSWCDD, G24 wrote:
 > Is it possible to turn off the red-green-yellow crosshair that is always
 > shown in the middle of the screen?

Yes, that is the center-of-rotation crosshair. There are 4 buttons on 
the right side of the 2.4.4 toolbar that manages the COR including one 
that turns its display off. If you don't see these buttons turn on 
Window->Toolbars->Camera. This might have changed in the beta versions 
of ParaView III. It always helps to mention the version in use when one 
posts a question.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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