[Paraview] UPDATE_TIME_INDEX not part of Paraview 2.6

John Biddiscombe biddisco at cscs.ch
Wed Feb 7 12:13:36 EST 2007


make sure you also set

    this->TimeStepRange[0] = 0;
    this->TimeStepRange[1] = t>0 ? this->TimeStepValues.size()-1 : 0;

as the paraview gui will query GetTimeStepRange to find how many steps are there if this is missing, then the number of steps will be wrong. 

Wasn't there a similar post about only seeing 100 steps recently? 


> Thanks for the code. I downloaded your OpenDX reader to get an idea of 
> the context. I have updated my code and things seem to work now. The 
> only problem that I am having is the "Time Step" slider is not 
> correctly updated when I open my file, it always defaults to 0->100 
> timesteps, regardless of what is in the file.
>   In my client side xml I have the following:
>     <Module name="PrdsDislocationReader"
>           root_name="PrdsDislocationReader"
>           output="vtkUnstructuredGrid"
>           module_type="Reader"
>           extensions=".dat .disl"
>           file_description="Paradis Dislocation Data">
>     <Source class="vtkPrdsDislocationReader"/>
>     <Scale property="TimeStep"
>            label="Time step"
>            trace_name="TimeStep"
>            keeps_timesteps="1"
>            help="Set the current timestep."/>
>     </Module>
> and in my server manager file I have:
>     <SourceProxy name="PrdsDislocationReader" 
> class="vtkPrdsDislocationReader">
>      <StringVectorProperty
>         name="FileName"
>         command="SetFileName"
>         number_of_elements="1">
>         <StringListDomain name="files"/>
>      </StringVectorProperty>
>      <IntVectorProperty
>         name="TimeStep"
>         command="SetTimeStep"
>         number_of_elements="1"
>         animateable="1"
>         default_values="0"
>         information_property="TimestepValues">
>        <IntRangeDomain name="range">
>           <RequiredProperties>
>              <Property name="TimeStepRangeInfo" function="Range"/>
>           </RequiredProperties>
>        </IntRangeDomain>
>      </IntVectorProperty>
>      <IntVectorProperty
>         name="TimeStepRangeInfo"
>         command="GetTimeStepRange"
>         information_only="1">
>         <SimpleIntInformationHelper/>
>      </IntVectorProperty>
>      <DoubleVectorProperty
>         name="TimestepValues"
>         information_only="1">
>         <TimeStepsInformationHelper/>
>      </DoubleVectorProperty>
>    <!-- End ParadisReader -->
>    </SourceProxy>
> I have tried to mimic the ExodusReader code where I can but nothing 
> seems to work. Does anyone have any ideas what I need to set/over-ride 
> or implement? Maybe something from the superclass 
> (vtkPolyDataAlgorithm) maybe?
> Thanks for any help
> --Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
> Innovative Management & Technology Services
> On Feb 7, 2007, at 3:14 AM, John Biddiscombe wrote:
>> Mike, The time handling has changed a bit recently. TIME_INDEX is no 
>> longer supported (partly because you may have 100 time steps of data 
>> with step number 34 missing, if step 35 is requested, do they want 
>> the 35th of the data you actually have, or the 35th of the data you 
>> would have if the steps were all present). Instead, use a time value 
>> which is real and represents the actual time.(this also allows source 
>> which can produce a continuum of time values to be accessed)
>> To get things right, try this
>> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> In RequestInformation, make sure you export the steps you can produce 
>> (often just 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.....etc)
>>  outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS(),
>>               &this->TimeStepValues[0], this->TimeStepValues.size());
>>    where you may have std::vector<double> TimeStepValues - with the 
>> values pushed back when the file is opened
>> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> In RequestData, check to see which time step was requested, this 
>> usually will be set in the GUI via SetTimeStep, but might be passed 
>> into the filter from downstream, if another filter is requesting data 
>> from a particular step
>>  this->ActualTimeStep = this->TimeStep; // set by the gui, but we 
>> will override this if the pipeline requested another
>>  if 
>> (outInfo->Has(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_TIME_STEPS()))
>>    {
>>    double requestedTimeValue = 
>> outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_TIME_STEPS())[0];
>>    // this is overkill, I use it to ensure that if a time value which 
>> is slightly out is requested
>>    // then the correct one is fetched
>>    this->ActualTimeStep = vtkstd::find_if(
>>      this->TimeStepValues.begin(),
>>      this->TimeStepValues.end(),
>>      vtkstd::bind2nd( WithinTolerance( ), requestedTimeValue ))
>>      - this->TimeStepValues.begin();
>>    this->ActualTimeStep = this->ActualTimeStep + this->TimeStepRange[0];
>>    doOutput->GetInformation()->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEPS(), 
>> &requestedTimeValue, 1);
>>    CSCSOutputMacro(<<"Got a timestep request from downstream t= " << 
>> requestedTimeValue << " Step : " << this->ActualTimeStep);
>>    }
>>  else
>>    {
>>    double timevalue[1];
>>    timevalue[0] = 
>> this->TimeStepValues[this->ActualTimeStep-this->TimeStepRange[0]];
>>    CSCSOutputMacro(<<"Using manually set t= " << timevalue[0] << " 
>> Step : " << this->ActualTimeStep);
>>    doOutput->GetInformation()->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEPS(), 
>> &timevalue[0], 1);
>>    }
>> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> note that
>> class WithinTolerance: public std::binary_function<double, double, bool>
>> {
>> public:
>>    result_type operator()(first_argument_type a, second_argument_type 
>> b) const
>>    {
>>      bool result = (fabs(a-b)<=(a*1E-6));
>>      return (result_type)result;
>>    }
>> };
>> if you want to see a filter that uses the above code and works well, 
>> look here
>> https://svn.cscs.ch/vtkContrib/trunk/vtkCSCS/vtkOpenDX/
>> for my openDX reader which is the most simple one I've made that uses 
>> the above code.
>> JB
>>> I was trying to recompile my ParaView modules and I get the error:
>>> /Users/mjackson/Task_4/Workspace/PVDislocation/vtkPrdsDislocationReader.cpp:80: 
>>> error: 'UPDATE_TIME_INDEX' is not a member of 
>>> 'vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline'
>>> The offending line is:
>>> outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_TIME_INDEX(), 
>>> this->GetTimeStep() );
>>> This used to work in ParaView 2.4.4 and I vaguely remember that time 
>>> support was being changed in PV 2.6. Could someone explain what I 
>>> should be using now?
>>> I have written a custom ParaView reader module for our file format. 
>>> I need Time Support and I was successfully using this code in PV 2.4.
>>> Thanks
>>> --Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
>>> Innovative Management & Technology Services
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>> --John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @ cscs.ch
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John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @ cscs.ch
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

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