[Paraview] vtkStringArray Properties

Robert Maynard RobertJMaynard at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 09:45:07 EST 2007

I have written some python code, for object creation using the python
programmable source. One of the properties I am adding to the object is a
cell based vtkStringArray.
The issue is that I am facing two issues, one is that I am unable to
threshold the vtkStringArray, since the following line always returns null:
   vtkDataArray *inScalars = this->GetInputArrayToProcess(0,inputVector);

and secondly, if I try to save or load an object with a vtkStringArray
property in windows, I crash paraview.

Does anybody know if this a bug inside paraview, or should I be using some
form of Char Array, etc
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