[Paraview] Custom Filter Not Seen in 3.2.1 Filter Menu

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Tue Dec 11 17:08:31 EST 2007

Clint: Thanks! Yes and yes; files attached.  - Kent

clinton at elemtech.com wrote:
> Are your custom filters in the "filters" group in your server manager xml?
> <ProxyGroup name="filters">
> And your server manager xml for the filters was added to the build using
> Clint
> On Tuesday 11 December 2007 2:40:22 pm Kent Eschenberg wrote:
>> Using the notes at
>>     http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ExtendingParaView
>> I've successfully added two custom readers to 3.2.1. However my custom
>> filter does not show up in the pulldown menu for filters. All 3 are
>> assigned to
>> and the "USE" and "ON" CMake options for all 3 are set. The debugger can
>> find the constructor for the custom filter. Is there anything needed to add
>> the name of the custom filter to the filter menu?
>> The Tools->Manage Plugins menu is empty.
>> TIA!
>> Kent
>> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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