[Paraview] Create custom filter with two filters

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Dec 11 10:40:50 EST 2007

Hi Alan,

The example you mention is indeed supported (was supported with older 
Custom filter implementation and also with the recently revamped one). 
Simply create the clip filters as you want (with output of one going 
into another), then with both selected, go to the 'create custom filter' 
  menu option.

The bug 4442 is slightly different, in this case the two clips have the 
same input, not output of one going to the input of another. This case 
is still not supported, although is do-able using the extra pass through 
filter as mentioned in the report itselg.


Scott, W Alan wrote:
> Am I correct that you still cannot use custom filters to "glue" two 
> filters together?  For instance, if I want to have two clip filters, 
> both at 90 degrees from each other, cut out a corner of a dataset, is it 
> possible to create a custom filter with the output of the first clip 
> going into the input of the second clip?
> Also, I wonder if this is bug  number 
> _http://www.paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=4442_
> Thanks,
> Alan
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