Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Fri Dec 7 14:24:44 EST 2007


Thanks but those Wiki pages don't answer 2 important questions. I assume 
references to "GUI xml" and "client xml" are equivalent.

1) Where does all the information shown in the "Extend" example go, that gives 
the name of the C++ class and describes the GUI? The example from "Plugin" 
(which you provided in your message, below) doesn't show any of that.

2) What if the custom module is a filter not a reader?

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

linton at elemtech.com wrote:
 > It is still supported.
 > http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:Extend
 > On minor difference:  the GUI XML files give to PARAVIEW_INCLUDE_GUI_RESOURCES
 > are as shown on
 > http://paraview.org/Wiki/Plugin_HowTo#Adding_a_custom_filter.2C_reader_or_writer
 > <ParaViewReaders>
 >   <Reader name="MyReader"
 >           extensions="myreader mr"
 >           file_description="My Reader Files">
 >   </Reader>
 > </ParaViewReaders>
 > Clint
 > On Thursday 06 December 2007 11:39:41 am Mike Jackson wrote:
 >> Does ParaView 3.2.1 use the PARAVIEW_EXTRA_EXTERNAL_MODULE any more?
 >> In previous versions (PV 2.6.x) I would set this to my reader/writer/
 >> filter projects and directly build my code into the ParaView
 >> Compilation. Is this still possible? From reading the wiki it seems
 >> that you have to build ParaView first, then create the plugins?

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