[Paraview] Re: 3.2.1 Client-Server Render Errors and Crash

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Mon Dec 3 12:11:40 EST 2007

Kent Eschenberg wrote:
 > This looks like bug #4368 that I first reported for 2.4.4.
 > When operating in client-server mode, and the server is rendering, there
 > are rendering errors. Plus, when I try to set the center-of-rotation,
 > the server crashes. Neither problem occurs when rendering on the client.
 > ...

Ken Moorland fixed the rendering error. The way it works now is that at each 
update the depth of the near and far points in the scene are found and used to 
set the near and far clip planes. These values also control how the scene is 
mapped to the Z buffer so that the buffer's limited resolution (32 bits, I 
think) are optimally utilized.

Previously the nearest and furthest points from all updates since ParaView was 
started were used. That could mean that the scene was mapped to only a few 
planes in the Z buffer resulting in depth aliasing.

I only saw the problem in client-server mode and the fix was in 
vtkSMRenderViewProxy.cxx. My guess is that client rendering is different.

The crashes still occur so that will be reposted as a new issue.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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