[Paraview] [pv2.5] Contour : invalid data range

fred fredmfp at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 15:42:45 EDT 2006

Hi the list,

Let me explain what I am doing :

a) Open Data -> load an Unstructured Grid data
b) Click on "Generate isolines or isosurfaces." button in the toolbar.
c) That displays
    Input: Ev.vut (XMLUnstrucutredGridReader0)
    Scalars: Ev_scal
    Scalar Range: 0 to 1.708325
    Contour Values: 0.854163

which sounds good.

Now, second.
a) Open Data -> load an Unstructured Grid data
b) Choose Filter -> Outline
c) ** I click on Ev.vut (XMLUnstrucutredGridReader0) **
d) Then I click on "Generate isolines or isosurfaces." button in the
e) That displays
    Input: Ev.vut (XMLUnstrucutredGridReader0)
    Scalars: none             <- ???
    Invalid Data Range    <- ???
    Contour Values: 0.854163

One can notice that Contour Values field is still right.

What does it mean ??



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