[Paraview] vtkHierarchicalDataSet and attribute data

Milan Frank milan.frank at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 05:21:52 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I have got an interesting problem related with vtkHierarchicalDataSet.
I have composed this hierarchical structure from numerous
vtkUnstructuredGrids. Each unstructured grid element have some data
attributes assigned. In VTK all works fine and I can see my attribute
data nicely mapped as colors.

However, when I use ParaViews server manager, the vtkSMDisplayProxy
shows nothing (my object is white). When I call:

  pdInf = smDisplay.GetGeometryInformation().GetPointDataInformation()

The point data information indicates no attribute data. I suppose,
only attributes associated directly with the vtkHierarchicalDataSet
object are displayed.

To me it seems logical, to have attribute data associated with
"leaves" of the hierarchy instead of with the top-level object. It
seems to be more practical approach especially when one wants to split
these objects and process them separately at some point (or
potentially group them back).

If anyone is willing to share some ideas how to display attribute data
associated with datasets of the hierarchy it would be greatly

Thank you,

PS: I'm working with cca one month old CVS version.

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