[Paraview] Building a Source in Paraview

vpessoa at lncc.br vpessoa at lncc.br
Mon Sep 18 14:37:46 EDT 2006

Hi all.

I'm building a source in paraview. I'm doing that extending the PVSource class.
The BIG problem that I'm having is that when I press the Accept button, some
elements of paraview doesn't get "free" so I get to use them. Elements such as
Filters menu (the hole menu stays unactivated) and cutters from the main
toolbar. Also, Paraview doesn't create the other tabs of my source, such as
Display and Information. The only interaction with Paraview that I have on my
class is manually setting the PVSource::Initialized = 1. Cause, before that, it
wasn't even recognizing that the Accept button has been pressed.

Can anyone PLEASE give me some tips on how to solve this kind of problem.

Vinicius Pessôa
Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
+55 (24) 2233-6098
+55 (24) 8803-7061

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