[Paraview] Clip Hang

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Fri Sep 15 14:14:42 EDT 2006

I did a clean build today starting with "rm -r *" in the build
directory. The behavior is the same as yesterday except now ParaView
does not immediately exit when I update the clip, and it produces the
message below when I click on the render viewport.

# Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in
file: /home/kevin/kitware/ParaView/GUI/Widgets/vtkKWApplication.cxx
 vtkPVApplication (0x7024c0): TclTk error: Uncaught exception:

Uncaught exception: St9bad_alloc

    while executing
"vtkTemp2 MouseAction 2 1 274 87 0 0"
    (command bound to event)
ErrorMessage end

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