[Paraview] Intel Compiler on OS X

Paul Adams paul.adams.jr at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 09:31:28 EDT 2006

While I have not built Paraview for OS X, I did have to use an alternate
on one of my Linux systems.  Like yours, it would reset the compiler back to
The way that I got around that was to use something like the following:

% CC=/path/to/C/Compiler CXX=/path/to/C++/Compiler ccmake ../paraview-2.4.4

Obviously I removed my path from the above since it would be of no help to
Just replace the above pseudo path with the appropriate one for you.

Paul Adams
Scientific Visualization Lead
ERDC MSRC - Vicksburg, MS

On 9/7/06, Mike Jackson <mike.jackson at imts.us> wrote:
> So I was lucky and was able to purchase the Intel C++ compiler for OS X. I
> am now trying to use it to compile paraview and having a small problem.
> When I run ccmake ../paraview  and set the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER then hit the
> "c" key to configure the "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER" goes back to /usr/bin/c++
> So am I doing something wrong here?
> If I get this going I would like to attempt Paraview 2.9 with QT and start
> putting in DART reports against the intel compiler.
> Thanks
> --
> Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
> Innovative Management & Technology Services
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