[Paraview] Announcing VizWorld.com

Randall Hand randall.hand at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 14:37:54 EST 2006

Sorry to interrupt your usual Paraview discussions, but I wanted to fill all
you guys in on a new website myself and some friends are working on called
VizWorld.com.  We're hoping to develop this into a large community site
discussing developments in both Scientific Visualization and Computer

We've got a blog with comments enabled, Forums, and a Wiki (at
http://wiki.vizworld.com) and we'ld love it if you guys would get involved
and help to develop the site.  Being a big Paraview fan myself, I've got
alot of information about using Paraview and Client-Server examples.  But it
doesn't stop there, we've got information on Maya, 3ds Max, Ensight, and
more.  In the near future we hope to start including alot of system
integration tips and examples to show you how to get all these different
tools to work together to create some truly stunning stuff.  If you've got
questions about any particular topic, then post them in the Forums and maybe
someone can help you out.  If we all "share the knowledge" then we'll all
benefit, I'm sure.

Right now we've got a guy at IEEE Viz06 in Baltimore, MD, posting his
experiences and what's new at the conference this year.  Anyone else who's
there and would like to join in, feel free! Accounts are free, and I promise
I won't spam you.  If you have a good idea for an article, feel free to
write it up and submit it or mail it to an admin.  We'ld love some good
stuff from you University & DOE types, and we'ld love a good "What's new in
Paraview 3" article :)

So that's that, just wanted to fill all you folks in... Hope you find the
site useful, and long live Paraview & VTK!

Randall Hand
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