[Paraview] KWWidgets and ParaView III

Jean Favre jfavre at cscs.ch
Tue Oct 17 12:27:21 EDT 2006

/Message: 3
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 15:13:44 -0400
From: Sebastien BARRE <sebastien.barre at gmail.com>

Well, you nailed it here: KWWidgets is obviously 
not as full featured as wxWidgets or Qt, which I 
think you can use from Python the way you 
described. But it provides nice widgets that can 
be interfaced to VTK objects very easily, and 
that are likely to take a lot of time to recode. 
Now trust me if I'm telling you that recoding 
those widgets will take wayyyyyy longer than 
using an intermediate class for your callbacks./

The comment above by Sebastien prompts me to ask:

Is there a plan to migrate the volume-rendering widgets used in ParaView 2.x to ParaView III?
If recoding these widgets takes "wayyyyyy too long", are there ready-made Qt widgets with the same functionality:

I mean vtkKWVolumePropertyWidget, with color transfer and opacity transfer editors?

Just curious

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