[Paraview] Using vtkIceTRenderManager

Mario mario.orefice at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 10:37:30 EST 2006

2006/11/29, Mario <mario.orefice at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I want to use vtkIceTRenderManager and vtkIceTRenderer from Paraview
> in my vtk application, but I have a link problem:
> unresolved external symbol"public: static class vtkIceTRenderManager *
> __cdecl vtkIceTRenderManager::New(void)"
> (?New at vtkIceTRenderManager@@SAPAV1 at XZ)
> I'm a newbie, how can I resolve that? It's a cmake configuration problem?

Problem solved! I had to set advanced options in cmake and turn
paraview_use_icet on...
Now I'm waiting for your suggestions here:

> I'm just modifying vtk's parallel processing examples, using
> vtkIceTRenderManager instead of vtkCompositeRenderManager, will it
> work?
> There are some other examples where i can understand using of
> vtkIceTRenderManager?
> Thank you so much for helping
> Mario

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