[paraview] vtk thread

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Wed Nov 22 11:21:43 EST 2006

Hi Cristiano,

I'm a little confused - why has this message been posted on the ParaView list? It sounds like an issue for the VTK list or a list that deals with threads.

Why two threads? Things would be simpler if you had one C++ program that looped where each iteration of the loop obtained a new sensor value and then called VTK to update the display.


--On 11/22/2006 05:03:53 PM +0100 kriminal at inwind.it wrote:
> Hi,
> i've a big problem...
> I'm trying to write a real-time application that move a cone on the screen by a sensor that we have in Lab...I'm using a thread for acquiring data from sensor and another thread for re-render the cone onthe screen every acquisition...
> but vtk (the cone was made by vtk) didn't like my thread...
> have anyone another way to solve my problem?!!?
> thank you very much for the help in advance...
> Cristiano

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