[Paraview] Small bug creating Custom Reader

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at imts.us
Wed Nov 22 09:54:31 EST 2006

I _think_ I am.. Here is my RequestInformation Method.

int vtkParadisReader::RequestInformation(
   vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
   vtkInformationVector **vtkNotUsed(inputVector),
   vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
   int newFile = (vtkParadisReader::StringsEqual(this->FileName, this- 
 >CurrentFileName) == 0);
   vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
(), this->GetTimeStep() );
   if ( !newFile ) //The file has NOT changed
     return 1;
   if (NULL != FileOffsets) { // FileOffsets keeps some information  
about our file
   FileOffsets = vtkUnsignedLongLongArray::New();
   //File has changed OR file has Never been opened...
   //we want to walk the file and get all the timestep values and  
timestep indices
   if (NULL == this->reader) {  // Lazy instantiation of our helper  
     reader = vtkDislReaderLE::New();

   std::vector<double> timevalues; // Array to hold our time values
   vtkTypeUInt64 numTimesteps = 0;
   reader->ExtractTimeInfo(timevalues, numTimesteps); // Gets the  
time Values from the file
   this->SetTimeStepRange(0, numTimesteps-1);
   return 1;

Did I miss something?

Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

On Nov 22, 2006, at 9:35 AM, Berk Geveci wrote:

> Is your reader reporting the number of timesteps in  
> RequestInformation() ?
> -berk
> On 11/21/06, Mike Jackson <mike.jackson at imts.us> wrote:
>> I am well on my way to completing a custom reader for Paraview. I  
>> have one last annoyance that I am trying to figure out.
>>    The problem occurs when my file is read initially. The number  
>> of timesteps that is reported is always 100 even though that is  
>> not correct. I noticed that the Ensight reader some how gets this  
>> setting correct.
>>   I was wondering what the secret variable or method to call is?  
>> This is the last bit I am trying to fix before I let this go to my  
>> customer.
>>   The strange thing is that if you click on the "Play" button in  
>> the animation controls the timesteps field and slider will  
>> suddenly report the correct number of timesteps. I am wondering if  
>> the problem is the order that I am calling methods?
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> --
>> Mike Jackson
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> -- 
> Berk Geveci
> Kitware Inc.
> 28 Corporate Drive
> Clifton Park, NY, 12309

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