[Paraview] Small bug creating Custom Reader

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at imts.us
Tue Nov 21 12:57:59 EST 2006

I am well on my way to completing a custom reader for Paraview. I have one last annoyance that I am trying to figure out. 
   The problem occurs when my file is read initially. The number of timesteps that is reported is always 100 even though that is not correct. I noticed that the Ensight reader some how gets this setting correct.
  I was wondering what the secret variable or method to call is? This is the last bit I am trying to fix before I let this go to my customer.
  The strange thing is that if you click on the "Play" button in the animation controls the timesteps field and slider will suddenly report the correct number of timesteps. I am wondering if the problem is the order that I am calling methods?

Any help would be appreciated.
Mike Jackson

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