[Paraview] Re: read starcd ensight mesh

Fabian Braennstroem f.braennstroem at gmx.de
Sun Nov 19 04:05:59 EST 2006

Hi Berk,

thanks for your help. I exported the data in ensight format.
I did not know that I can export in any vtk format!? The
strange thing is that even with the old starcd 3.26 version
the ensight exported tetra mesh makes the same problem. I'll
try to convert it to a vtk format using python-vtk. Maybe
that helps.
Does anybody work on polyhedra support for vtk right now?
Would be nice :-)

Thanks and Greetings!

* On 18 Nov 2006 * Berk Geveci wrote:

> Hi Fabian,
> Which file format are you using? Legacy VTK? It should work with the
> tetra mesh. I will not work with the polyhedra mesh unfortunately. VTK
> (hence ParaView) does not currently support polyhedral cells. Although
> starccm+ visualization engine is built on top of VTK, they developed
> the polyhedra support independently and are keeping it proprietary. I
> hope that in the future we will have the opportunity to add polyhedra
> support to VTK.
> -berk
> On 11/18/06, Fabian Braennstroem <f.braennstroem at gmx.de> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >sorry, but I want to ask again, if anybody has used paraview
> >together with starccm+ or starcd version 4.00 or 3.26.
> >Now, I got paraview 2.4.4 installed in my office on an 64bit
> >machine.  I
> >tried to load polyhedra results from starccm+ and starcd
> >version 4.00. This time it does not crash, but nothing
> >happens; I just see the variables. I tried to change the
> >export to binary, but I got the same result. Later on I used
> >a tetra mesh from the old version with the same result.
> >
> >I wonder, if nobody uses starcd together with paraview and
> >has the same problems like I do!? I am the first at our
> >company, so I hope that there will be more of us in the next
> >months, but for that it has to work with starcd...
> >
> >Would be nice to get any hint!
> >Greetings!
> >Fabian
> >
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>  Berk Geveci
>  Kitware Inc.
> 28 Corporate Drive
> Clifton Park, NY, 12309
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