[Paraview] Exposing Timesteps in a Custom File Format

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at imts.us
Wed Nov 8 13:50:43 EST 2006

I am developing a ParaView reader for my custom file format. Inside our data
we have the data laid by timesteps. I was wanting to use this information
inside of ParaView so I am basically copying the Exodus Reader (at least the
timestep portion). So far everything is ok except that the following line of
code comes back false:


It is with in this block that the time value and the index get updated but
for some reason when run in my code this comes back false. I am currently
running the reader using a command line "test" program and have not actually
tried it in ParaView for some other reasons. Is there a special type of
pipeline I need to instantiate in a non-ParaView setting? Is there something
is the xml files that needs to be set so the UPDATE_TIME_INDEX key is
present? How about in the header file for my class? Maybe some undocumented
accessor method?

Any help would be appreciated.

Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

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