[Paraview] Glyphing of a Group of Groups does not work.

Milan Frank milan.frank at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 12:09:34 EST 2006

Hi all,

I have tried to apply Glyph to an output of the GroupDataSets filter.
The input for the GroupDataSets filter is also a vtkMultiGroupDataSet.
The Glyph then produce no output.

To reproduce this behaviour, try simply:

I have spend some time examining the problem. In my opinion, the cause
is at  vtkPVGlyphFilter.cxx (line 327, revision 1.26). The Glyph
filter can handle vtkDataSet only as an element of the

I understand, it is a reasonable assumption (to have multigroup data
set composed from data sets only). However, other filters I have tried
have no problems with such composed data sets. It would be a pity to
have this limitation for a certain group of filters ...

Is there a chance this will be fixed in a near future?

Thank you,

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