[Paraview] time value in calculator filter

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Fri Nov 3 11:15:21 EST 2006

For some readers, this is supported out-of-box. What reader are you using?


On 11/2/06, Bordier, Luc <Luc.Bordier at inergyautomotive.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry I can't answer to your question but I think you can help me because
> you have described exactly what I 'm trying to do :
> I would like to have time annotation in the viewport for transient data.
> Please can you tell me how to do it ?
> Thanks
> Luc Bordier
> INERGY Automotive Systems
> Compiegne, FRANCE
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 Berk Geveci
 Kitware Inc.
 28 Corporate Drive
 Clifton Park, NY, 12309

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