[Paraview] Adding GenericProbeFilter to Paraview

Francois Bertel francois.bertel at kitware.com
Thu May 18 14:46:17 EDT 2006

What are you trying to do?

GenericProbeFilter works on GenericDataSet objects. GenericDataSet is an abstract class made for external packages for unstructured grid with higher order elements.
It makes sense to use it if you have a reader that reads your file and returns a GenericDataSet object:
1. It means you have a concrete class of GenericDataSet implemented somewhere.
2. You have a reader that creates an object of the concrete class of GenericDataSet from your file.
3. You have also a pvsm and xml files for this reader

There are a couple of filters already in ParaView that work on a GenericDataSet object (GenericClip, GenericContour, GenericCut, GenericGeometryFilter, GenericOutlineFilter, GenericStreamTracer. GenericDataSetTessellator).

If they don't show up, it is because you don't have a reader that returns a GenericDataSet.


shawn mckenziie wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am adding the filter vtkGenericProbeFilter.vtk to paraview and believe
> to have coded the .xml and .pvsm files properly. When i load paraview my
> filter does not appear in the filter list, nor does it appear in the
> pipeline if i import it directly (i have set my PV_INT_PATH correctly)
> I have incuded the aforementioned files. Syntax wise i believe the only
> command to question would be the line:
> <ProxyProperty name="ProbeWith" command="SetInput">
> as in, perhaps there is a different method name for calling for the
> input object? This from what i see in the docs is correct.
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks
> Shawn
> GenericProbeFilter.xml
> ------------------------------------------
> <ModuleInterfaces>
>  <ServerManagerFile name="GenericProbeFilter.pvsm"/>
>  <Module name="GenericProbeFilter"
>          root_name="GenericProbe"
>          replace_input="0"
>          menu_name="Generic Probe Filter"
>          module_type="Filter"
>          long_help="GenProbe"
>          short_help="GenProbe">
>    <Filter class="vtkGenericProbeFilter">
>      <Input name="Source"
>             class="vtkGenericDataSet"/>
>    </Filter>
>    <InputMenu trace_name="Source" property="Source"
>               id="im"
>               source_list="Sources"
>               label="Source"
>               help="Set the Source to this filter."
>               input_name="Source"
>    </InputMenu>
>    <SelectWidget label="Probe object" trace_name="Probe object"
> property="ProbeWith">
>      <Item label="Point" value="Output">
>        <PointSourceWidget trace_name="Point" default_radius="0"
> input_menu="im" default_number_of_points="1" show_entries="0" />
>      </Item>
>      <Item label="Line" value="Output">
>        <LineSourceWidget trace_name="Line" input_menu="im" />
>      </Item>
>      <Item label="Plane" value="Output">
>        <ImplicitPlaneWidget trace_name="Plane" use_label="0"
> input_menu="im" />
>      <Item/>
>    </SelectWidget>
>  </Module>
> </ModuleInterfaces>
> GenericProbeFilter.pvsm
> -----------------------------------------
> <ServerManagerConfiguration>
>        <ProxyGroup name="filters">
>                <SourceProxy name="GenericProbeFilter"
> class="vtkGenericProbeFilter">
>                        <InputProperty name="Source" command="SetSource">
>                                <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
>                                        <Group name="sources"/>
>                                        <Group name="filters"/>
>                                </ProxyGroupDomain>
>                                <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
>                                        <DataType value="vtkGenericDataSet"/>
>                                </DataTypeDomain>
>                         </InputProperty>
>                         <ProxyProperty name="ProbeWith" command="SetInput">
>                             <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
>                                 <Group name="Sources" />
>                             </ProxyGroupDomain>
>                         </ProxyProperty>
>                </SourceProxy>
>        </ProxyGroup>
> </ServerManagerConfiguration>
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François Bertel, PhD  | Kitware Inc. Suite 204
1 (518) 371 3971 x113 | 28 Corporate Drive
                      | Clifton Park NY 12065, USA

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