[Paraview] How to cut a scalar data file with a previously generated iso-surface ?

Stéphane Montésino Stephane.Montesino at hmg.inpg.fr
Thu Mar 30 11:53:58 EST 2006

The 4 files
vector per node: Vorticity   
vector per node: Vorticity   
vector per node: Vorticity   
vector per node: Vorticity   

are  4 data file associated to 4 part of  the geometry

I generate  isosurfaces with iso values of the scalar: Vortex.

I would like to colorize these surface with the streamwise components of 
the vorticity

Berk Geveci wrote:

>Ok. I am confused. You have 4 scalars with the same name? Which one of
>these are you isosurfacing with and which do you want to color by?
>On 3/30/06, Stéphane Montésino <Stephane.Montesino at hmg.inpg.fr> wrote:
>>Berk Geveci wrote:
>>>Can you send me your case files?
>>>On 3/30/06, Stéphane Montésino <Stephane.Montesino at hmg.inpg.fr> wrote:
>>>>The two dataset has the same geometry stored in the same file
>>>>channel_512x128x256 .geo
>>>>Berk Geveci wrote:
>>>>>Do the two datasets (the one that you generated the isosurface from
>>>>>and the one that has the vorticity) have the same geometry?
>>>>>On 3/29/06, Stéphane Montésino <Stephane.Montesino at hmg.inpg.fr> wrote:
>>>>>>By using the isosurface filter, I can visualize some hairpin vortices in
>>>>>>my flow.
>>>>>>But I  would like to visualize the sens of the rotation of these vortices.
>>>>>>To do so,  I would like to colorize it by the streamwise vorticty .
>>>>>>How to colorize an iso-surface with another scalar value coming  from
>>>>>>another data file ?
>>>>>>(I can only colorize the iso-surface with the iso-value, the property
>>>>>>the normal or the gradient)
>>>>>>How to cut a scalar data file with a previously generated iso-surface ?
>>>>>>(I can only cut a data file with a plane or a sphere)
>>>>>>Stephane MONTESINO
>>>>>>PhD Student                     tel:+33 4 76 82 52 91
>>>>>>LEGI                            fax:+33 4 76 82 70 22
>>>>>>BP 53
>>>>>>38041 Grenoble Cedex            email: stephane.montesino at hmg.inpg.fr
>>>>>>France                          http://www.legi.hmg.inpg.fr
>>Stephane MONTESINO
>>PhD Student                     tel:+33 4 76 82 52 91
>>LEGI                            fax:+33 4 76 82 70 22
>>BP 53
>>38041 Grenoble Cedex            email: stephane.montesino at hmg.inpg.fr
>>France                          http://www.legi.hmg.inpg.fr
>>type: ensight gold
>>model:  Channel_512x128x256.geo
>>scalar per node: Vortex   Vortex-Channel_512x128x256-**********-001.scl
>>scalar per node: Vortex   Vortex-Channel_512x128x256-**********-002.scl
>>scalar per node: Vortex   Vortex-Channel_512x128x256-**********-003.scl
>>scalar per node: Vortex   Vortex-Channel_512x128x256-**********-004.scl
>>time set: 1
>>number of steps:     2
>>filename start number:    300002
>>filename increment:   2
>>time values:
>>     300002.000
>>     300004.000


PhD Student                     tel:+33 4 76 82 52 91
LEGI                            fax:+33 4 76 82 70 22
BP 53
38041 Grenoble Cedex            email: stephane.montesino at hmg.inpg.fr
France                          http://www.legi.hmg.inpg.fr 

-------------- next part --------------
type: ensight gold

model:	Channel_512x128x256.geo

vector per node: Vorticity   Vorticity-Channel_512x128x256-**********-001.vec
vector per node: Vorticity   Vorticity-Channel_512x128x256-**********-002.vec
vector per node: Vorticity   Vorticity-Channel_512x128x256-**********-003.vec
vector per node: Vorticity   Vorticity-Channel_512x128x256-**********-004.vec

time set: 1      
number of steps:     2
filename start number:    300002
filename increment:   2
time values: 
-------------- next part --------------
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