[Paraview] I only want to see the bodys in a 3d-unstructured grid

Randall Hand randall.hand at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 11:21:53 EST 2006

What i've done for similar datasets is use the Extract Surface filter to
generate an outer surface (which includes "inner" surfaces as well).  Then
use a Cut filter with a Box input to trim away all the outer bounding

On 3/29/06, Steffen.Kunze at dlr.de <Steffen.Kunze at dlr.de> wrote:
> Hi
> I do have an unstructured grid (saved in vtkXML-format). This grid
> surrounds some kind of bodys (in my case wings and stuff like this). The
> surface of the bodys is discribed by surface-triangles and -quads. I only
> want to have a free look at the body´s surface, but I still need the
> surrounding grid for streamlines and so on. -> I want to have something like
> you can see on the Paraview-Screenshot-page - picture called "CFD analysis
> of the..." (http://www.paraview.org/Art/BigShot12.jpg)
> My problem is the following:
> When I do make an (Banded)SurfaceMap Paraview still presents the surface
> of the surrounding grid (although there are no surfacetriangles or -quads)
> and this surface is of course in the line of sight to my body. I only want
> to see the surfacetriangles and quad of my body!
> Does anyone has an idea how to manage it?
> Thanks
> Steffen
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>         |  Steffen Kunze, BA-Student
>         |
>         |  Institut für Aerodynamik und Strömungstechnik
>         |  Abteilung Technische Strömungen
> __/|__ |  DLR (German Aerospace Center)
> /_/_/_/ |  Bunsenstr. 10
>   |/    |  D-37073  Goettingen, Germany
>     DLR |
>         |  tel: +49-551-709-2294
>         |  email: steffen.kunze at dlr.de
>         |  Web site: www.as.go.dlr.de/TS
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Randall Hand
Visualization Scientist,
ERDC-MSRC Vicksburg, MS
Homepage: http://www.yeraze.com
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