[Paraview] Ensight to VTK converter

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Thu Mar 23 14:00:19 EST 2006


Maybe this is the cause of the confusion: none of the VTK file formats 
support transient data, not even the newer XML versions. For transient data 
you need to use the ParaView "pvd" format which is an XML file that has the 
names of VTK files that each hold one time step. It is defined in the 
ParaView book.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

-On  March 23, 2006 03:49:11 PM  <rnelias at nacad.ufrj.br> wrote:
>The VTK file created seems to have only the
> geometry and the results corresponding to the first time step. 

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