[Paraview] Ensight

Randall Hand randall.hand at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 11:21:08 EST 2006

Lots of information missing here.
1) What are you animating? Single Isovalue for multiple timesteps?  Multiple
2) What data type are you using?  Native VTK, Native Ensight, or a 3rd
party.  Each of the first two give a somewhat unfair advantage to one
product, if you're going for a truly even comparison.
3) What data format are you using? Structured, unstructured?  2d, 3d?
4) What pipeline/viz tools are you using?
5) What exactly are you counting time for?  Data load, or just computation?
I bet you're just timing the actual time to generate all the isosurfaces,
and Ensight gets a big win because it preloads all the data at once where
Paraview loads it as it goes.

On 3/21/06, Terry Jordan <tejj at hotmail.com> wrote:
> We are running some test of the performance of ensight versus
> paraview.  In
> the test we use the same data set and create an iso surface
> (contour).  Then
> we animate the transient data set.  We are seeing about 1 order of
> magnitude
> increase in performance over paraview (about 2.5 mins to 29 mins).  Does
> anyone know if ensight is doing something to speed up the performance such
> as decimation or are their algorithms that much faster?
> Thanks in advance.
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Randall Hand
Visualization Scientist,
ERDC-MSRC Vicksburg, MS
Homepage: http://www.yeraze.com
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