[Paraview] Newbie Installing ParaView on a 64 bit gentoo machine FIXED

msh msh at cvu.wustl.edu
Thu Mar 9 17:21:09 EST 2006

With the help of my colleigue Kirk Wallace (who figured this out for me) we 
compiled the following list of instructions:

I had an nvidia card so I had to do the following:
Next go to:

and scroll down till you see:

	echo "=media-video/nvidia-glx-1.0.8178 ~amd64" 
>> /etc/portage/package.keywords 
 	echo "=media-video/nvidia-kernel-1.0.8178-r3 ~amd64" 
>> /etc/portage/package.keywords 

Things must have changed since the post I also had to:	
 	echo "=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.0.3 ~amd64" 
>> /etc/portage/package.keywords
 	echo "=app-admin/eselect-1.0_rc2 ~amd64" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

Go to:
and to instructions on configuring and compiling a kernel compatible with 
nvidia graphics cards and glx

and then:

	emerge nvidia-kernel nvidia-glx

(I've updated the numbers to the latest versions)

Next run:
	modprobe nvidia
Next run:
Next run:
	eselect opengl set nvidia

Next edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
	# This loads the GLX module
	#    Load       "glx"

	# This loads the GLX module
	    Load       "glx"

and change:

	Section "Device"
   	 Identifier  "GEFORCE5"
    	Driver      "nv"
    	#VideoRam    262144
   	 # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
	Section "Device"
   	 Identifier  "GEFORCE5"
    	Driver      "nvidia"
    	VideoRam    262144
   	 # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate

Make sure you have the color depth set to 24:
	Section "Screen"
   	 Identifier  "Screen 1"
   	 Device      "GEFORCE5"
  	  Monitor     "GS815"
   	 DefaultDepth 24

Next run:
	opengl-update nvidia
Next run:
Next run:
	gpasswd -a "Add your username here" video
Next go to
Make sure you have an niviia device

	ls -l /dev/nvidia*

I got:
	ls: /dev/nvidia*: No such file or directory
meaning I didn't

So I ran:
	cd /dev
	mknod nvidia0 c 195 0
	mknod nvidiactl c 195 255
	chown root:video nvidia*
	chmod 666 nvidia*

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