[Paraview] How to save points from a cut

tchumat at astro.helsinki.fi tchumat at astro.helsinki.fi
Wed Mar 1 04:55:15 EST 2006


This is probably a newbie question, but I simply do not find the answer 
I am  running paraview on linux, open a vtk file, the header of the 
file I am opening looks like that:
ASCII                     DATASET POLYDATA          POINTS   10818  float

What I would like to do, is to store the points and triangles after I 
have cut this object in to a file, which has plain text, as it was the 
case for the input file. The problem, I have is that I do not find the 
setting to change the encoding of the save-format to the format where 
the points are stored in ASCII text.
Is this possible? What I get, if I store the results of the cut in a 
file I allways get the encoded data <AppendedData encoding="base64">, 
which I can not process further.
I really tried all the formats like vtk, pvd, ply etc, but all of them 
store the data somehow encoded.

Thanks very much!


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