[Paraview] Time series in VTK ASCII Data Format

Kush Tandon kush at coas.oregonstate.edu
Thu Jun 29 11:51:13 EDT 2006




> Hi Kush,
> The legacy .vtk file format you're using does not directly support  
> time. In the example you mention (from file-formats.pdf), TIME_LATE  
> is just a data array; it does not indicate time support. If you  
> want to load time varying data into ParaView using the .vtk file  
> format, you will need to load each time step in a separate file as  
> described in the ParaView Guide.
> - Amy
> Kush Tandon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was able to run ParaView using VTK ASCII Data Format and plot  
>> data for a single of instance of time for point and cell. We  
>> intend to plot a set of data (point and cell) in time series  
>> format. I am attaching my illustrative file.
>> From page 11 on file-formats.pdf, there is a brief mention of  
>> TIME_LATE but I am not clear entirely. Or, do we make separate  
>> files, as recommended by The ParaView Guide, page 31. Please  
>> advise the cleanest way. I would think one file option would be  
>> simpler for me (serial processing) for now.
>> Do check my simple single instance data attached file.
>> Cheers,
>> Kush

Kush Tandon
104 COAS Admin. Bldg.
College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97333
Ph: (541) 737-9658 (Office)/ (541) 758-2217 (Home)
Email: kush at coas.oregonstate.edu/ kushtandon at yahoo.com/  
kushtandon at gmail.com


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