[Paraview] Tcl/Tk scripting with Paraview

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 15:17:48 EDT 2006

Not that easy but doable. From Tcl, you can get the list of sources:
set window [$Application GetMainWindow]
set sources [$window GetSourceList Sources]

Once you have the sources, you can traverse it using the vtkCollection API
(look at vtkCollection and vtkPVSourceCollection in doxygen). Then you can
get the filename with
[source GetFileEntry] GetValue

Make sure to use the appropriate catch{} blocks to avoid errors when calling
GetFileEntry on a source that is not a reader.


On 6/26/06, robert maynard <thorin.hax at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been working on using the Tcl command line from paraview to perform
> certain repetitive tasks (turn on and off the visibility of numerous files).
> The problem I am facing is that the I would like to be able to access these
> files by their actual file name, not the vtkTemp name that the vtkTclUtil
> hash map is allowing me access to, because the vtkTemp name changes
> depending on order of files being loaded etc.
> If it is not possible to do this in Tcl, is it possible to create python /
> java / c++ scripts to interact with paraview to manipulate these data sets?
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