[Paraview] Paraview 2.4: restart session when reading Ensight files with time.

Alberto Fernandez alberto at cognitdesign.com
Sat Jun 24 05:25:53 EDT 2006

I'm trying to read this kind of files without success. I can manage with 
ensight format but if I tried in gold Paraview crashes. Are you able of 
opening those files you posted? My paraview crashes when a hit accept. 
I'm using version 2.4 release 3 in windows. If I make any headway I'll 
let you know.

David Ingram escribió:
> I have been using paraview to visualise results written in Ensight 
> Gold format (C Binary) with data varying in time.  If the session is 
> restarted from a saved .pvs file the time step gets reset to the first 
> file in the .case file regardless of the file which was being viewed 
> when the session was saved.  This is a little frustrating, 
> particularly since changing the data file causes the rendering of that 
> data set to be reset to outline (from surface).  Is this a bug in 
> 2.4.3? and can we hope for it to be fixed in 3.0.
> I have attached the relevant data files (for a small demonstration case)
> For the record I've been using PV on a Mac system - and am very happy 
> with it.  It's usually worked out of the box and has been reasonably 
> robust -  It is the best free visualisation system I've ever used. 
> Keep up the good work.
> Regards
> David
> Dr David M Ingram
> Reader
> Institute of Energy Systems
> School of Engineering and Electronics
> The University of Edinburgh
> Kings Buildings
> Mayfield Road
> Edinburgh
> David.Ingram at ed.ac.uk
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