[Paraview] paraview + FX

Simone Crippa crippa at kth.se
Thu Jun 22 03:39:16 EDT 2006


I think you are not the only one out there who'd like to have Bob's FX
libraries as part of a Paraview filter. I am also quite interested in
it. Unfortunately you have seen the outrageous amount of answers to your
post ... none! I have been there before; I also tried to find out if
someone has thought of this before and got no response. After some net
search I have found this:


Dave Semeraro has written an mpi program that uses the vortex core
extraction feature of FX to process netCDF files and generate
Paraview-readable input. I contacted him last month and he told me that
he was working on a Paraview-embedded filter. But to quote him: "I have
not finished the paraview module mostly due to time constraints." 

I think that once there is ONE filter that uses the FX libraries for
vortex core extraction, the other FX capabilities could be incorporated
pretty easily ... thinking here about boundary layer features, shock
surfaces, ... this would boost Paraview in the same liga as Fieldview or

Thus I think if you are interested in this you could contact him
directly and we could try to share our common interest and help him to
finish the Paraview filter. 

Regards, Simone

On Tue, 2006-06-20 at 10:06 -0700, Peter J. Bismuti wrote:
> Are there any plans to put in feature extracation (vortex cores, shocks) 
> capabilities into PV (assuming that it does not already exist)?  
> thanks
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Simone Crippa
Research assistant, Dipl.-Ing.
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering
Division of Aerodynamics
Teknikringen 8
SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0)8 790 6465

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