[Paraview] PV: Cannot establish client-render-server mode

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Jul 7 16:34:15 EDT 2006

Try this:
Save the following as a pvx file say :/tmp/config.pvx

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <Option Name="reverse-connection" />
  <Option Name="client-render-server" />
  <Option Name="client-host" Value="sitka" />

  <Process Type="client" />
  <Process Type="data-server" />
  <Process Type="render-server" >
    <Machine Name="sitka" />

Now you can start the 3 process as:
> pvclient /tmp/config.pvx
> pvrenderserver /tmp/config.pvx
> pvdataserver /tmp/config.pvx


Peter J. Bismuti wrote:
> The two servers seem to be trying to connect but cannot.  How do they know 
> where eachother live?   
>>pvclient -rc -crs --render-server-host=sitka

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