[Paraview] Using HDF5 Datasets in Paraview.

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 13:28:34 EST 2006

I am building up some data sets and storing them in HDF5. The data  
sets are 256x256 32 bit floating point data that I would like to  
interpret as a grayscale image. There are 256 of these "slices"  
making a nice 256x256x256 volume. The data is all in Floating point  
values. Can Paraview display this type of data? Is there some sort of  
Attribute data that paraview looks for that I can append to each  
dataset to let Paraview better decode the data?

Thanks for any help.

Mike Jackson
imikejackson <at> gmail <dot> com

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