[Paraview] Paraview in Client/Server Model

Yeraze.11960501 at bloglines.com Yeraze.11960501 at bloglines.com
Tue Jan 10 09:27:28 EST 2006

I want to load paraview in a distributed client/server fashion where the Data
Server is hosted on an SGI Irix System, the Render Server is run on a high-end
Linux Machine, and the Client is a Windows Desktop.  I've found references
to this PVX XML file that I need to create for such a thing, but documentation
for this seems to be rather, how do you say, "Nonexistant".

So, what would
a typical PVX file look like for a setup like this?  I'm using Paraview 2.4.1,
and I'll need to use Reverse Connections between the Windows Box & the 2 *nix
systems, although the 2 *nix systems can talk freely.

Randall Hand
ERDC MSRC, Vicksburg MS

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