[Paraview] (repeat post) error in paraview help please!

Peter F Bradshaw pfb at exadios.com
Tue Feb 28 03:24:07 EST 2006


The Tcl and Tk libs used are controled by CMakeCache.txt var.
TK_INCLUDE_PATH etc. These should point to the libs built from the
sources distributed with the ParaView source. I'm guessing that if
you do not know how to change the Tcl / Tk libs then you have not
changed them and that you are using the correct ones.

It seems that vtkTkRenderWidget is not working for you. Could you write
a small test program which will try and create a vtkTkRenderWidget?
(See $PARAVIEW_BASE/GUI/Client/vtkPVRenderView.cxx for an example
of how to do this).

On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, Rich Cook wrote:

> Hi, thanks,
> Honestly, I don't know.  How would I be able to determine this?
> On Feb 21, 2006, at 9:22 PM, Peter F Bradshaw wrote:
> > Hi;
> >
> > Are you compiling ParaView against the Tcl/Tk supplied with the
> > package
> > or another Tcl/Tk installed on the machine?
> >
> > On Tue, 21 Feb 2006, Rich Cook wrote:
> >
> >> Hi, I get lots of errors when running paraview on AIX.  I had to do
> >> some things to get it to compile, which I mentioned in an earlier
> >> email.  Can anyone help me get this thing to work?  Am I on the right
> >> list?  Is there a way to get technical support from Kitware?  Thanks.
> >>
> >> rcook at up041 (rcook): /usr/global/tools/Kitware/Paraview/2.4.2/
> >> aix_5_64_fed/bin/paraview
> >> ErrorMessage
> >> # Error or warning: ERROR: In /usr/global/tools/Kitware/Paraview/
> >> 2.4.2/src/aix_5_64_fed/paraview-2.4
> >> .2/GUI/Widgets/vtkKWTkUtilities.cxx, line 217
> >> vtkPVApplication (110185790):
> >>      Script:
> >> vtkTkRenderWidget .paraview. -
> >> rw Addr=110468df0
> >>      Returned Error on line 1:
> >> NULL main window
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ERROR: In /usr/global/tools/Kitware/Paraview/2.4.2/src/aix_5_64_fed/
> >> paraview-2.4.2/GUI/Widgets/vtkKW
> >> TkUtilities.cxx, line 217
> >> vtkPVApplication (110185790):
> >>      Script:
> >> pack .paraview. -expand yes -
> >> fill both -side top -anchor nw
> >>      Returned Error on line 1:
> >> bad window path name ".paraview.
> >>"
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ERROR: In /usr/global/tools/Kitware/Paraview/2.4.2/src/aix_5_64_fed/
> >> paraview-2.4.2/GUI/Widgets/vtkKW
> >> TkUtilities.cxx, line 217
> >> vtkPVApplication (110185790):
> >>      Script:
> >> focus .paraview.
> >>      Returned Error on line 1:
> >> bad window path name ".paraview.
> >>"
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ERROR: In /usr/global/tools/Kitware/Paraview/2.4.2/src/aix_5_64_fed/
> >> paraview-2.4.2/GUI/Widgets/vtkKW
> >> TkUtilities.cxx, line 217
> >> vtkPVApplication (110185790):
> >>      Script:
> >> bind .paraview. <Expose>
> >> {vtkTemp76 Exposed}
> >>      Returned Error on line 1:
> >> bad window path name ".paraview.
> >>"
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Cheers
> >


Peter F Bradshaw, http://www.exadios.com, ICQ 75431157 (exadios).
Public key at www.exadios.com/pfb.pgp.key and www.exadios.com/pfb.gpg.key
"I love truth, and the way the government still uses it occasionally to
 keep us guessing." - Sam Kekovich.

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