[Paraview] ParaView + SetEyeAngle()?

Paul Rajlich paul at visbox.com
Sat Feb 25 22:45:16 EST 2006

Hi ParaView people,

When using ParaView with stereo, is there a way to manually set the eye
separation? I didn't see anything in the gui. In the tcl interactor window I
have an instance of vtkPVRenderView (e.g. $kw(vtkTempNN)) but calling
"ListMethods" does not show the "GetRenderer" method. I was hoping to get a
handle to the active camera through the renderer.

Occasionally I want to move closer to a visualization to see detail and the
eye separation is too much. A good example of this is the closeup flythrough
of the blunt fin visualization in the ParaView demo. With stereo on it is

-Paul Rajlich
 Visbox, Inc.
 paul at visbox.com 

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