[Paraview] Newbie question

Eric Greenwade Eric.Greenwade at inl.gov
Wed Feb 22 10:01:52 EST 2006

Peter F Bradshaw wrote:
> Hi;
> In addition you may have to set your enviroment variables 'TCL_LIBRARY'
> and 'TCLLIBPATH'. 'TCL_LIBRARY' should be set to the location of
> init.tcl - something like:
> TCL_LIBRARY=/usr/local/ParaView/lib/paraview-2.2/TclTk/lib/tcl8.4/
The above appears to have fixed the issue. I set both the environment 
variables to /usr/share/tcl/tcl8.4 (on this Suse 10.0 box) and at least 
as much as I had tired previously seems to work.

To answer Kent's question (below) for completeness. The system is a 
fully patched Suse 10.0 opteron box and paraview is 2.4.2. The make 
install seemed to complete successfully, no noticeable errors and the 
executables placed in /usr/local/bin. I had been trying to run paraview 
from my home directory and several subdirectories when I received the 
tcl errors.

thanks again for the help,


> On Tue, 21 Feb 2006, Kent Eschenberg wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> Well, for starters, it would help if you mentioned what system and version
>> you are using. The directory you mentioned suggests you are not using
>> ParaView under Windows. Linux? UNIX? Which version of the operating system?
>> And which version of ParaView? All that is good stuff for any request for
>> help.
>> The mistake *I* always make is to run "make" and then forget to run "make
>> install". By default this will put things in a public area like /usr/local
>> so you might need su privileges.
>> Kent
>> --On Tuesday, February 21, 2006 04:23:26 PM -0700 Eric Greenwade
>> <Eric.Greenwade at inl.gov> wrote:
>>> I'll apologize for this one in advance. I had run the precompiled binary
>>> for long enough I decided to try to compile a local version. Everything
>>> 'seemed' to go just fine. However, after installation I get the following
>>> error when I try to execute the newly compiled paraview:
>>> hermes:~> paraview
>>> ParaView error: InitializeTcl failed
>>> Tcl_Init error: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:
>>>     /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4 /home/lib/tcl8.4 /lib/tcl8.4 /home/library
>>> /library /tcl8.4.5/library /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4
>>> Sure enough none of the directories listed exist on this machine.
>>> However, the init.tcl file exists in almost a dozen other locations on
>>> the box. I'm sure this is an easy one. If someone would give me a (kind)
>>> pointer I would greatly appreciate it. (some cmake option?)
>>> thanks!
>>> -eric
> Cheers

L. Eric Greenwade          HPC Architect      Idaho National Laboratory
POB 1625, MS-3605                             Eric.Greenwade at inl.gov
Idaho Falls, ID  83415-3605                   voice: +1.208.526.1276

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