RES: [Paraview] Point-based rendering (Splatting )

Renato N. Elias rnelias at
Wed Feb 15 20:01:12 EST 2006

Hi Chris,
Thanks for your help. In fact, I'm not directly associated with this
problem. I've posted the message for a friend of mine, a non Paraview/VTK
user, just to help him. He works with DEM (Discrete Element Method) and is
looking for a visualization technique able to build a surface representation
from his point data. After "Googling" for a while, we've found information
pointing to splatting method used to represent 3D scanner data. It seems
that this rendering method is also used by SPH (Smoothed Particle
Hydrodinamics) researchers to visualize their results. Therefore we've
thought about posting a message on the Paraview list. Anyway, I'm grateful
for your help and I'll forward this message to my friend in order to place
him in contact with you (or others PV folks). Are you ok about it ?!

De: Chris Larson [mailto:cklarson at] 
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2006 17:56
Para: Renato N. Elias
Cc: paraview at
Assunto: Re: [Paraview] Point-based rendering (Splatting )


Hi. I'm just starting to use this thing (Paraview), (actually on something
like my 9th hour of using it), so take what I say with a grain of salt.

I'm working with a dataset structured as the following: 

29    11    99    99    93    94
14    12    71    99    94    94
13    10    14    39    38    39
08    10    32    39    38    39

Where the first three pairs are going to be my x,y,z points, and the next
three are my R,G,B values. 

What I've done is:

File>Open Data:
Choose RAW... Under Files of type:
Click OK on the error dialog.
Choose RAW in the next dialog.

OK. Now we've brought your data in.

Now, set your "File Dimensionality," in my case 3. 
Next, under Extent, set the min and max for each of x,y,z in the pairs of

For the rgb values, in my case, I set the "Num. Components" value to 3.

Now simply name your array ("Array name"). 

Now, again working from my example, click on the "Display" tab above.

Set "Color by:" to your array.

You might also want to click on "Set View to Data" to center your object. 

Hope this helps.

Chris Larson
Just this guy.

PS If we're both just learning the interface, mebbe we can help each other
out. Feel free to ask me questions, understanding that I a noob in this

On 2/15/06, Renato N. Elias <rnelias at> wrote: 

Hi all,

Does anybody know if Paraview (or VTK) could render a surface based on a
point model? If yes, how could I do that?

Thanks for any help

Renato N. Elias
PhD student -
High Performance Computing Center
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
+55(21) 2562-8080 

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