[Paraview] Writing unformatted Fortran data

Benjamin REVEILLE benjamin.reveille at ifp.fr
Fri Feb 10 10:24:52 EST 2006


I don't have the solution, but this is on my most wanted list...


Stéphane Montésino wrote:

> Hi Renato,
> Openning file in Binary form is only possible with Microsoft 
> Develloppers Studio.
> When I wanted to run my routine on IBM SP4, I had to change the form 
> to UNFORMATTED because the key word BINARY is not accepted..
> But now I can't read my data with paraview.
> Does anyone has a solution to write UNFORMATTED fortran data that can 
> be read with Paraview ????
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 Benjamin Réveillé               

 Institut Français du Pétrole       Tel  : +33 1 47 52 62 68
 Section R1022R  /  Bureau L207     Fax  : +33 1 47 52 70 68
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 mail : benjamin.reveille at ifp.fr


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