[Paraview] paraview servers port numbers

Stephens, Mike ERDC-ITL-MS Contractor Mike.Stephens at erdc.usace.army.mil
Thu Feb 9 16:01:33 EST 2006

paraview-ish executables have a -port command line option to set up the
coordination among the separate flavor of processes (client, dataserver, &
renderserver), right?  (default to 11111 or 22221 or something like that)


now when firing up multiple dataserver/renderserver process or threads if you
prefer (torched off by mpirun -np #), paraview

generates some random ports that the data and render server use to yak at
each other.


for reasons that only a fevered mind can fathom, I need to limit the these
generated random ports to a certain range of numbers.

I'm using the source; but alas am a mere padawan and need help from a master.


can someone tell me where the port numbers are generated so I can see if I
can fix it to serve my purposes.




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