[Paraview] Writing binary files: C/Fortran interface to VTKXMLfiles.

SamuelKey samuelkey at comcast.net
Wed Feb 1 15:36:06 EST 2006


In this context (Fortran) --

UNFORMATTED => blocked binary with leading and/or trailing word counts
                                     usually compiler dependent.
BINARY ==> Unblocked binary byte stream, typical of C, usually direct
access (if you remember to record where you wrote what).

BINARY is only supported in Fortran as an extension. Compilers that have
extension are

1) HP/Compaq/Digital Visual Fortran under Windowsxx Windows XP64,
2) G95 (http://www.g95.org) there called streaming I/O
3) PathScale Fortran-95 under Linux
4) Others


Sam Key

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stephen Wornom" <Stephen.Wornom at sophia.inria.fr>
To: "Stéphane Montésino" <Stephane.Montesino at hmg.inpg.fr>
Cc: <paraview at paraview.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Writing binary files: C/Fortran interface to


> It is a good question. if want unformatted open as
> open(nfil,file=trim(name)//'.vtr',FORM='UNFORMATTED')
> and write files as
> write(nfil)'<VTKFile type="RectilinearGrid" version="0.1"',
>     &         ' byte_order="LittleEndian">'
> But does UNFORMATTED=binary?
> Can someone explain the difference between binary and UNFORMATTED?
> Stephen


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