[Paraview] spcth_interface.c

Gregory, David C CIV NSWCDL-B55 david.c.gregory at navy.mil
Tue Aug 22 09:26:27 EDT 2006

Andy, thanks for the info.  I don't have anything to share.  However, I
can tell you that we've had several people using paraview with 7.1 spcth
files for quite a while now.  Everything has seemed to work fine so far.
We do have a feature request however.  When using the extract cth parts
filter, it would be nice if the fixed 0.5 volume fraction number were
user-configurable.   Thin shells often don't show up nicely with a

On another note, I can tell you that the C code in Utilities/SPCTH does
NOT work with 7.1 files.   I'm not sure why.  It works perfectly with
7.0 files as far as I can tell.

Thanks for all the hard work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Cedilnik [mailto:andy.cedilnik at kitware.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 5:09 PM
To: Gregory, David C CIV NSWCDL-B55
Cc: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] spcth_interface.c

Hi David,

I rewrote spcth code and is now in ParaView 
Servers/Filters/vtkSpyPlotReader.cxx. It should be able to read CTH7.0 
files, but if you have 7.1 files you could share, we can verify that it 
will read them.


Gregory, David C CIV NSWCDL-B55 wrote:
> Please disregard.   My novice C skills have embarrassed me again.
> -David
>     -----Original Message-----
>     *From:* paraview-bounces+david.c.gregory=navy.mil at paraview.org
>     [mailto:paraview-bounces+david.c.gregory=navy.mil at paraview.org]
>     *On Behalf Of *Gregory, David C CIV NSWCDL-B55
>     *Sent:* Monday, August 07, 2006 1:55 PM
>     *To:* paraview at paraview.org
>     *Subject:* [Paraview] spcth_interface.c
>     Hello All-
>     I was wondering if there was an knowledge of the SpyMaster(SPCTH)
>     API which lives in the paraview/Utilities/SPCTH folder?  Is this
>     code still used as part of the spcth filter in Paraview?
>     I've been trying to use the code to read both CTH7.0 and CTH7.1
>     files and am having trouble. Most the header info (block
>     dimensions, field variable descriptions, etc.) come through just
>     fine.  However, the field data itself seems to be garbage.
>     I was wondering if this code is dependant upon a certain version
>     of the SPCTH file?  Is the developer of this particular bit of
>     code on the ailing list?
>     Thanks
>     -David
>     David C. Gregory
>     NSWC Dahlgren
>     Weapons Lethality and Effectiveness Branch - G24
>     17320 Dahlgren Road
>     Dahlgren, VA  22448
>     540-653-0424
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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