[Paraview] Server Manager and Python interface

Milan Frank milan.frank at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 05:49:21 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I'm trying to use the python interface of ParaViews Server Manager. It
seems to me as not actually intensively used way to access Server
Manager functionality. I'm I right?

Recently I used the vtkSMDoubleRangeDomain class. IMO, I was the first
person who ever used this class that way. Two essential methods
(GetMaximum, GetMinimum) contains a reference parameter. So, they are
skipped by automated Python wrapper and thus, they are inaccessible
from python. The trivial solution is to add my own new methods without
reference parameters. Unfortunately, it means I have to go to Server
Manager source code to be able to use it properly in Python ...

I'd like to ask. What are the Kitwares plans with this interface? Is
there going to be some special testing/development effort in near
feature? Is there anyone else using this interface?

I have had another difficulty concerning animation system. If there is
an observer registered with vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy on
"AnimationCueTickEvent" then I can not see any easy way how to get
current animation time in Python.

In C++, there is a parameter "calldata" (of the observer callback
function) that receives an AnimationCueInfo. This objects seems to
contain all important information including the current animation
time. Everything is OK in C++.

In Python, we receive an instance of the event source only
(vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy in this case). There is no "current
animation time" information available.

Are there any suggestions how to resolve this difficulty?

I'd like to note, there is exactly the same problem with the VTK
Python interface. I've already posted that on VTK mailing list too,
without any response at all.

Thank you in advance for any response,

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